The Nomadic Fungi Institute is dedicated to the research and documentation of the mycological mutation known as Nomadic Fungi. It is the mission of the Nomadic Fungi Institute to make their vast scientific archive of documents, interviews and photographs available for viewing to the general public. In this way the public can learn of the real threat posed by the proliferation of the parasitic fungus known as Nomadic Fungi.
The threat of this phenomenon cannot be underestimated. Everyday, all over the world people are actively participating in a network that is bigger and older than the World Wide Web. It’s the automotive based transportation network.
In less that 100 years, we as a society have mastered the art of building a web of roads across every type of terrain, linking town to town from coast to coast. Every aspect of our lives, the food we eat, the clothes we wear, the people that we meet are all impacted by this modern mode of transportation. And because our economy is built upon this vast transportation network, the existence and proliferation of a parasitic fungus that feeds upon automobiles poses a very serious threat to all humanity.
Although no cases have yet been officially verified or acknowledged by the U.S. government, rumors of giant fungi growing from automobiles began to circulate in the 1950s. Mr. Rotifer H. Wobbler, the noted author of the Wobblers Encyclopedia of Parasitic Fungi was one of the first people to suggest a possible link between these rumors and the expanding field of biogenetics. His sudden disappearance and the accidental fire that destroyed his home abruptly ended his research. Some years later a cash of Mr. Wobbler’s papers came to the attention of Dr. B. F. Smith who saw the importance of this research and thus formalized the Nomadic Fungi Institute.